Run 18 – July 2023 – Mike & Annie

Run 18 is now underway! Immediately prior to leaving, Mike & Annie collected more aid:

Many thanks to Elaine’nAndy Cropper and our friends at United for Ukraine for their significant contribution to our load.

They arrived four hours earlier than their planned crossing because an earlier crossing was delayed, straight through customs without any problems then on to our Germany base in Weeze to collect more aid.

Mike and Annie stayed for a short while with Guy & Liza, our Germany based team, before heading out on Sunday morning. Huge thanks to them for connecting Mike with local donations of dog food and some Aral Fuel cards – these will make a huge difference to the cost of Diesel during this trip. Here’s Mike’s update on the way to Poland:

The border crossing from Poland to Ukraine was an impressive 1 hour! (This might be a record!). Here’s Mike’s update on reaching the border in the early hours of 10th July:

The team had a good run from there to Brovary arriving around lunchtime. There was no time to waste though as other vans were being reloaded to take the aid down to the Donetsk region the next day! Here’s some of the aid that was unloaded before it was rapidly spirited off into the other vans!

When the timing is right, we can also assist in the final delivery as well – and the timing is perfect for Mike on this run! His van joins a convoy taking the aid down to the Donetsk region. Many of you will recognise your donations from both runs this month in the following pictures:

It was an early start for Mike on his way down to the East with mainly Medical aid from both his delivery and items Andy brought over the week prior.

Whilst in Donetsk, Mike came across some soldiers who had ran out of Diesel. He was able to top them up from his reserve Jerry can – they appreciated this very much and he now has their patch to add to the growing collection in his van! He was travelling between delivery destinations at the time and despite being close to curfew time, stopped to help them. Nice job Mike!

Here’s a video record of the trip:

Mike and Annie never got to celebrate their Wedding Anniversary last month – with Mike away working and then straight out to Ukraine again, they had no time to themselves. So today after a sombre morning paying their respects to a fallen soldier, they celebrated their belated anniversary with a meal out in Kyiv.
Guess which is Mykee Hockham’s plate!!

Mike and Annie are now safely back across the border in Poland and making their way back home via Weeze. Another hugely successful run completed!

To round off this trip report, some final words from Mike:

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