Run 27 – June 2024

Hot on the heels of Andy’s run, Run 27 was another run out to Zaporizhzhia! Accompanying Mike this time were…

Run 26 – May 2024

A big couple of weeks for the team as we have 2 vans going out over May and June! Run…

Run 25 – March 2024

Run 25 was another excellent run with both vans involved! Prior to the run, there was a lot of activity…

Run 24 – February 2024

Run 24 once again visited Zaporizhzhia in South East Ukraine. Because of the new customs rules, we have to be…

Run 23 – December 2023

Documentation for the new customs process, submitted, van loaded with the final pick up in Weeze happening on the way…

Run 22 – October/November 2023

Mike is joined on Run 22 by a legend in the Ukraine humanitarian aid world, Mr. Andy Cropper. Andy has…

Run 21 – October 2023

No sooner is one run over than we prepared for the next one! Run 21 was a solo run with…

Run 20 – September 2023

Run 20 was one of the biggest runs we have undertaken to date! Using 2 vans and a trailer, we…

Run 19 – August 2023 – pre-run preparation!

No sooner has one run finished, we are already planning for Run 19! And this will be a run with…

Run 19 – August 2023 Run 19 got off to a great start! Joining Andy on this trip was renowned Learning Podcaster John Helmer…

Run 18 – July 2023 – Mike & Annie

Run 18 is now underway! Immediately prior to leaving, Mike & Annie collected more aid: Many thanks to Elaine’nAndy…

Run 17 – June 2023 – Andy

Run 17 started with the final pickup of aid from Iryna Olyanovska of For Ukraine – Brighton & Hove which…

Run 16 – May 2023

No sooner are we back from run 15, it’s non stop now preparing for run 16! The team were busy…

Run 15 – April 2023

This will be a milestone run as it is the first time that we go with an additional van and…

Run 14 – March 2023

Run 14, or run 13 from the UK!, is now well underway and the team have safely arrived in Brovary…

Run 13 – February 2023

It’s all hands on deck today (30th Jan) as the team have to sort, package and weigh each box -…

Run 12 – December 2022 January 2023

Run no.11 started with the collection of aid from our friends at Help Ukraine BAMK UK in Milton Keynes and…

Run 11 – December 2022

Run 10 was an eventful one for our van – but more of that later! On this run, we were…

Run 10 – 4th-20thNovember 2022

Firstly we delivered to our friends Steel Ray in Lviv with much needed medical and surgical equipment which then is…

Run 09 – 3-18 October 2022

After an epic drive across Europe from Weeze to Uzhhrod we had may issues on our border crossing on the…