“Together we are stronger” – Jimmy’s new wheels in just 9 days!

On the 10th April, we received an urgent special request. James Kaprini, our contact in Zaphorhizia, found himself in need of a 4×4 vehicle due to a catastrophic failure of the vehicle which, for the last 18months or so, has served him well delivering aid to frontline areas. The lack of a vehicle seriously impacted his charities ability to help those in need.

Mike immediately sprang in to action! Together with Karl Harrison, the search for a vehicle had started! With limited funding initially available, this wasn’t an easy task but both Jimmy’s and our own networks came together to pledge enough money to buy a suitable vehicle. A couple of days scouring the web led to a number of possibilities – Mike and Karl travelled many miles to look at a number of cars but found the chosen one closer to home in Scunthorpe!

Fortunately, both Mike & Karl are great at fixing up cars and vans so it was time to get under their hands dirty again! (apologies for any language in the following videos, they were in mechanic mode!)

Having found the money, the car and ensured it was fit for purpose, the next challenge is getting it out to Zaporizhzhia! Step forward another regular visitor to Ukraine, Darron Moss. Darron kindly offered to drive it out there quicker than we could – an offer we accepted with pleasure!

Darron collected the car on 15th April and began the long drive. On 19th April, he arrived in Zaporizhzhia. Just 9 days had elapsed since we received the initial request!

One final addition to the car – to ensure maximum payload inside, a roof box is used to store protective gear for the driver and passengers. This was kindly donated by Eliza Waterhouse.

Many heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to making this possible not only financially but with physical donations as well – you all know who you are. Both Mike & Andy have been out with Jimmy to deliver aid into front line areas and know exactly how important this vehicle is.

Our work here in the background is just as important as when we take aid out to Ukraine. Please continue to support us to support them. Without your donations we are unable to carry on ‘doing what we do’ so please consider donating whatever you can so we can carry on what is undoubtedly life saving work.

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